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Outdoor Class

Multi-Grade Curriculum

Purchase Our Legacy Curriculum Suitable for
Preschool, K-2nd, 3rd-4th, and 5th-6th 

What Makes Origins Unique?

Origins Multi-Grade Curriculum offers a holistic curriculum that weaves mindfulness and eco-literacy through academics. Lessons can be adapted to a variety of ages and abilities. Parents & educators are able to tailor lessons, with the help of suggested books, videos, and websites, to meet the educational needs and interests of multiple learners. The accompanying workbook contains graphic organizers, informational pages, recipes, and more to support the lessons. Digital curriculum allows you to print multiple copies of workbook resources for multiple students and for students to repeat activities as needed.​


Ideal for parents and educators seeking to introduce eco-conscious and mindful learning practices both at home and in educational settings. Perfect for pods and micro schools with diverse age groups.

Learning Through the Origins Focal Points

Our Packages are Designed in Quarters with 3 months worth of education materials that aligns with one of our four guiding questions, inspiring students to explore the self, the world, and their interconnectedness.

A Whole Year of Teaching Materials for $320

Pay as you go buy purchasing out $80 quarterly curriculum kits

​For parents & educators who want to incorporate more

eco-conscious & mindful learning at home or at school.

Great for pods & micro schools with mixed age groups too!

Supplemental learning helps nurture the whole child, addressing emotional, social, and environmental awareness while filling in learning gaps that children may not receive in traditional school settings. We offer mindful and eco-conscious lessons to create a more holistic, meaningful educational experience.

Origins Multi-Grade Curriculum offers a holistic curriculum that weaves mindfulness and eco-literacy through academics. Lessons can be adapted to a variety of ages and abilities. Parents & educators are able to tailor lessons, with the help of suggested books, videos, and websites, to meet the educational needs and interests of multiple learners. The accompanying workbook contains graphic organizers, informational pages, recipes, and more to support the lessons. Digital curriculum allows you to print multiple copies of workbook resources for multiple students and for students to repeat activities as needed.​


Each quarter corresponds to 1 of Origins 4 Focal Points & Guiding Questions: â€‹

  1. Internal: Who Are We? (Months 1-3)

  2. ​External: Who Lives Here? (Months 4-6)

  3. ​Metaphysical: What's Happening? (Months 7-9)

  4. ​Interconnection: How Are We Connected? (Months 10-12)


​Quarterly Package includes:

3 months worth of Lesson Plans & Workbooks


Included Lessons:

  • opening lessons

  • outdoor movement lessons

  • reading lessons

  • writing lessons

  • art lessons

  • culture & society lessons

  • nutrition lessons

  • science lessons

  • math lessons

  • mindfulness lessons

  • closing lessons

    + monthly projects​

Save BIG and receive

3 months for the price of 1!

$80/quarter OR 

$320 for the entire year!

For an elevated experience check out

Origins Subscriptions

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